Celo Africa DAO Report (May, June, July)

Celo Africa DAO Report (May, June, July)

Project Duration: May, June, July

Project: Celo Africa DAO Report

Executive Summary

This report outlines the progress, achievements, and outcomes of the Celo Africa DAO under the three focus areas: Developer Acquisition, Community Growth, and Awareness & Positioning. The primary objective is to attract emerging Web3 talent, educate the community, and build market awareness and brand positioning in Africa. The report provides an overview of each focus area, and success criteria for May, June, and July.


The Celo Africa DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization dedicated to fostering the growth and adoption of the Celo blockchain across the African continent. With a focus on driving Web3 innovation, community education, and market awareness, the DAO aims to empower local developers, entrepreneurs, and communities to embrace blockchain technology. Through a series of developer workshops, university events, community collaborations, and Twitter Spaces sessions, Celo solidified its presence and fostered meaningful connections within the local blockchain community to meet Celo Africa Dao focus areas i.e;

  1. Attract emerging Web3 talent locally by focusing on local incubator programs & developer relations.

  2. Community Education & University Outreach

  3. Building Market Awareness and Brand Positioning through content distribution.

Focus Area 1: Community Education & University Outreach

Objective: Onboard new community members and users, and guide them through the ecosystem.

Both the university outreach programs and developer workshops occur every month bringing together proficient developers and tech enthusiasts to showcase their skills building on the Celo blockchain. This collaborative effort underscores a real-world approach to addressing challenges using Blockchain Technology. The events encompass a range of activities, including workshops, mentoring sessions, coding challenges, and hands-on experience in the development of decentralized apps and smart contracts.

Key Deliverables: Community Education, University Programs, Ambassadors for Community and University, Number of activated clubs, Total Wallet Downloads.



Metrics Achieved

Community Education and University Programs 

We organized and held a total of 19 Community meetups and University events, reaching, engaging and onboarding over 1500 developers from the ecosystems.


We onboarded 8 Ambassadors, with 5 Junior Developers to collaborate and contribute to the Ecosystem's growth.

Number of Activated Clubs 

Activated over 9 university clubs across the University Ecosystem, these are from the 9 University events that we hosted.

Total Wallet Downloads 

We amassed more than 800 Wallet downloads across all the ecosystems.

Other Metrics

Link to some images from our ecosystem events:

Celo Africa Dao Images (May, June, July

Focus Area 2: Building Market Awareness and Brand Positioning through content distribution.

​​Objective: Build market awareness and brand positioning through content distribution and event sponsorship.

Key Deliverables: Marketing (Twitter), Local Event Sponsorship, Upcoming events (Decentralized Intelligence and EthSafari).

Success Criteria: Achieved strong online engagement, event participation, and ecosystem growth.



Metrics Achieved


Conducted a total of 14 Twitter Spaces, reaching a total of 1252 organic participants. Achieved more than 1000 new followers, and 301,900 impressions across PRs.

Local Event Sponsorship:

Sponsored 2 top-tier events, OSCA Festival in Nigeria onboarding over 200 developers and Kampala Blockchain DevFest, onboarding over 300 developers.

Upcoming Events 

Decentralized Intelligence: A Web3 + AI Innovation Summit

Blog and Writers Program

We successfully launched our blog and writers program on Hashnode, Interested community members were invited to join and collaborate in curating thought-provoking How-to articles on Celo. 


The first three months (May, June July) of the Celo Africa Dao witnessed a dynamic series of activities by the Celo Africa DAO team, aimed at nurturing a thriving blockchain ecosystem within Africa. Through developer workshops, university events, community collaborations, and engaging Twitter Spaces discussions, Celo succeeded in elevating its brand presence and establishing itself as a valuable contributor to Africa’s blockchain landscape.

Looking ahead, the Celo Africa DAO team remains committed to further enriching the local blockchain community through continuous initiatives and the establishment of collaborative partnerships.


Join our Celo Africa Dao Slack - https://join.slack.com/t/celoafricadao/shared_invite/zt-214pmigkl-czXXDikDfRc4kLtJC1MVEw

Follow us on Twitter:

Celo Uganda - https://twitter.com/CeloUganda

Celo Kenya - ​​https://twitter.com/CeloKenya

Celo Nigeria - https://twitter.com/CeloNigeria

Join us on Telegram:

Celo Kenya Developers - https://t.me/celokenyadevelopers

Celo Nigeria - https://t.me/CeloNigeria